Welcome to Tech Quiz!

Explore the universe of technology.

No Tech Quiz, his journey through the vast universe of technology begins here!We are an online destination that deepens in the depths of the digital knowledge, offering a dynamic and interactive space To test your skills in the main technology languages currently used.This is the place where enthusiasts, professionals in the field and onlookers meet to explore, Learn and improve your skills in the digital world.

Responding to a technology questionnaire can offer a series significant advantages in the context of career evolution. In a world increasingly oriented by innovation and digitization, Demonstrating technological skills and knowledge is essential for professional growth.By actively participating in technology questionnaires, professionals can reap Benefits such as:

Knowledge Update: By answering questions about technology, professionals are challenged to review and update their knowledge.This is vital in a scenario where technology evolves rapidly, ensuring that Skills are aligned with market demands.

Highlight in the market:Actively participate in technology questionnaires can highlight a professional in the job market.This shows proactivity, interest in learning and adaptability, characteristics valued by employers seeking talent capable of accompanying technological changes.

Networking and opportunities:Many technology questionnaires are promoted by communities and companies in the sector.When participating, professionals have a chance to expand its network of contacts, interacting with colleagues, leaders and experts.This can result in new opportunities for Employment, collaborations and partnerships.

Informal certification:Responding to technology questionnaires can serve as a form informal certification.The results obtained can be shared on professional profiles online, such as LinkedIn, highlighting the level of knowledge and competence of the professional in certain technological areas.

Self -assessment and personal development: The questionnaires provide an opportunity for self -assessment. By identifying areas of knowledge that need improvement, professionals can create plans for directed personal development, focusing on improving specific skills.

Access to educational resources:Many technology questionnaires are associated with resources Educational, such as Webinars, Online Courses and Study Material. By participating in these questionnaires, professionals can access additional learning opportunities that contribute to your continuous formation.

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Question 1

What is the main programming language used for Android application development?